

Giuseppe Arcimboldo was an Italian painter born in 1527 who began his art career working with stained glass. He is most known for his not-so-standard portraits, in which the faces are made up of things like fish, vegetables (The Vegetable Gardener), and flowers. The objects used actually held meaning in his time; objects represented things like harmony or were religious references or jokes. He dealt a lot with seasons and the elements (Air). It is believed that many of his paintings have been lost over time. Arcimboldo was a prominent social figure in organizing parties and designing costumes. He was also funded greatly by the government and many poets wrote about his work. After spending most of his life living and working in Vienna and Prague, he died on July 11, 1593, in his home of Milan.

Illustrator, Pt. 2

My self-portrait done in Illustrator...
I hadn't worked much with this program so it took me a while to get the hang of how to use the tools. (The constant knotting with the pen tool was especially frustrating.) But I like the graphic and bold outcome and it really helped me with understanding the program.

After doing this at one in the morning, I've realized that I neglected to save this file as an .AI... and looking at this now I see that because the dog is such a light shade, I should have added a background but can't because I only have the .JPEG. Other than that and my forgetfulness, I like how this turned out.




My memoir... The picture really doesn't fit at all, but I love love love the font. I could do without the stars above the i's, though...



...This is what greets us every morning as we open our curtains...

Art school is overwhelming. Goal #1: END PROCRASTINATION.

Oooh- and the pictures at the top & bottom of my page are of the Flaming Lips at Jam On The River last May. I suggest you all see them live at least once before you die- it's a life changer. Need more convincing? THAT'S RIGHT, a human hamster ball.



She secretly wished to be feline.