
P-Shop, Pt. 2.

THIS PROGRAM IS INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING. ...But I'm gradually getting a feel for it, and realizing all the cool crap you can do with it. In my first attempt at photoshoppin', I used two pictures that I took at a concert (unhealth-ily obsessed with the Lips, I know.) and combined them to create two Wayne Coynes. I'm not sure if this was our exact assignment, but I'm really just trying to get comfy with this program. I found the quick selection tool helpful... And the soft-edge eraser kind-of became my best friend.

Second attempt: a picture I took combined with image taken from paintedhorizons.com. ...Kinda obvious, but I sort-of enjoy the surreal feeling of it. I tried to play with the color levels and bright/contrast of the balloons to mesh better with the picture.

Same idea as the Wayne one. Two Julies... which would actually be terrifying, if you knew this girl. =)

Um, these are my friends Oscar and Pairs? (zimbio.com) Very, very obvious, but I laugh anyway.

Lastly, two Hayleys. I think this might be my worst, probably due to sleep deprivation. I blame 2-D?



(original photobooth pic.)

I really lack Photoshop experience... but playing around with this (strange) picture was fun. I found a more memoir-appropriate photo of myself to work with. I used the smudge and blur tools to make myself become the main focus of the picture (instead of my friend and the bathtub that we're sitting in...), made it all b&w, and played around with the brightness and contrast. I definitely enjoy this a ton more than my illustrator memoir/portrait. It's goofy, and I like that.

Image with crosshatch filter, high contrast, some blur, & a different text... Still weird and goofy, but I definitely like the first one better.


Since I neglected to use the brush tools the first time around, here's another.


Veggie Face.


Self portrait based off of Arcimboldo's Vegetable Gardener... The style isn't very painterly, but I used his idea of using vegetables to make up the face. I also used a profile view of the face and darker, earthy colors.

Veg Head, Revised:
I added some drop shadows and contrasty brushstrokes to make things a bit more dramatic...